Monday, August 3, 2009


Everyone loves vintage, and the feeling of finding a great bargain. So we've decided to host a FOUND (A Vintage Shop) YARD SALE!! We've got lovely stock left over from the shop on Fairbanks Ave. that we are going to be selling at the yard. The fabulous event will be held this Saturday the 8th, from 8am to 12pm at 3025 Oberlin Ave. Orlando, Fl, 32804.
There will be treasures from the 50's through the 80's including clothing, shoes, accessories, art, and housewares. Folks can expect to see only the best in vintage fashions in fantastic condition, all greatly reduced for a quick sale! So come to the yard sale early, or you may miss out on some of the best items.

Again, the yard sale will be for four hours only on SATURDAY the 8th. Come early and stock up for back to school, find something to give your home more character, or get some of your Christmas shopping done early. You'll be able to find something for everyone!

Directions from Downtown:
Take 1-4 East to Par St. Exit Par, and turn left. Go down a few blocks in a residential area (College Park), and turn left on Oberlin Ave. The FOUND YARD SALE will be on the left at 3025. Park where you can on the street, and carpool if at all possible.

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh, i wanna be there so bad. so i will come. and i will love you.
